Sunday, October 19, 2008

What is marriage???

explained in so many sentences
clipped from
Marriage has driven more than one man to sex.
Marriage is a mutual relationship if both parties know when to be mute.
Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.
Marriage is an institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
Marriage is better when both the husband and wife decide that what they
have is better than what they are missing.
Marriage is like a hot bath. Once you get used to it, it's not so hot.
Marriage is mind over matter; if the husband doesn't mind, it doesn't matter.
Marriage is not a word; it is a sentence.
Marriage is the only sport in which the trapped animal has to buy the license.
Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.
Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of person your spouse would
have really preferred.
Marriage is when a man and woman become as one,
the trouble starts when they try to decide which one.
Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity.
 blog it

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