Tuesday, October 24, 2006

once more they lied and cheat

Some people know this well by experience.
Others still think Gulliani was a hero and the handdling of 9/11 victims adequate

Medical Views of 9/11’s Dust Show Big Gaps - New York Times

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tolerable cruelty

TDS-Habeus-Corpus.mov (video/quicktime Object)
Jon Stwerart strikes again
TDS-Habeus-Corpus.mov (video/quicktime Object)

Don't get distracted: Rice “more sordid” than Foley

Several bloggers have already pointed out that the "Foley"sex scandal, sordid as it is, should not distract us and the House from other more serious scandals, causing thousand of deaths, extreme precariness and other disasters of this magnitude.
Here is an example:

Dangerous Intersection » Blog Archive » Rice “more sordid” than Foley

Counterbias: Welcome to Neo-Fascism 101

A new dictionary is badly needed

Counterbias: Welcome to Neo-Fascism 101