Sunday, July 23, 2006

God have Mercy!

Today, AP tells us that
It is

It mostly is up to Rice
So, we are cooked. Just read

Rome - The success of a high-level Rome meeting on Lebanon this week
will depend largely on the outcome of the Middle East
diplomatic mission by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, Italy's foreign
minister said in an interview published on Sunday.

Rice, Italy's foreign minister Massimo D'Alema, UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan and representatives from key players
in the Middle East will meet
in Rome on Wednesday after Rice completes her talks in Jerusalem
and the West Bank.

One priority will be dealing with the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon,
which has been under attack for
12 days by Israeli forces targeting Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas.

Participants will also grapple with "how to reach an effective cease-fire
or suspension of the hostilities,
something that requires a certain pressure on Syria and Iran so that
they act on ... Hezbollah" to obtain
the release of two captured Israeli soldiers, D'Alema said in an interview
with leftist Rome daily l'Unita. (more...)

Meanwhile, Bush wants Syria to take care of things.
I bet he was to busy at the Ranch

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