Monday, July 12, 2010

YouTube Video: a must watch :D)

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Japanese in Istanbul / Maras Dondurmasi / Turkish Ice Cream
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Hyperbole and a Half: My dog is retarded

A lingering fear of mine was confirmed last night:  My dog might be slightly retarded.
I've wondered about her intelligence ever since I adopted her and subsequently discovered that she was unable to figure out how stairs worked.
Not only is training my dog outlandishly difficult, it is also heartbreaking.  She wants so badly to please me.  Every fiber of her being quivers with the desire to do a good job.  

She tries really hard.    

But when turning her head at an extreme angle fails to produce a life-altering epiphany, she usually just short-circuits and rolls on her back.  
I found a dog IQ test that looked fairly legitimate.  It involved testing your dog's ability to solve a few very basic problems, like figuring out how to get out from underneath a blanket. 
I threw the blanket over her and started my stopwatch.  She made some cursory attempts at freeing herself, but as the seconds ticked by, it became clear that she was not going to pass.

I put the biscuit under the cup and started the timer.  
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Goal of a lifetime

I really like that quote ...
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"And the goal of a lifetime is continued growth, not adulthood. Recapture—or prevent the loss of—such child-like traits as the ability to learn, to love, to laugh about small things, to leap, to wonder, and to explore. It’s time to rescue ourselves from our grown-up ways before it’s too late." ~ Rene Dubos
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Monday, February 22, 2010

School used webcams to spy on students in their homes

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School used webcams to spy on students in their homes

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A suburban Philadelphia school district used the webcams in school-issued laptops to spy on students at home, potentially catching them and their families in compromising situations, a family claims in a federal lawsuit.

"This isn't just them spying on the kids, this is them intruding on the parents' home. Who knows what they are seeing?" Walczak said. "The courts for 80 years have said there's no greater sanctuary than a person's own home."

"School ends at the end of the school property, so they shouldn't really be in our business at home," Halpern said.

"School officials cannot, any more than police, enter into the home either electronically or physically without an invitation or a warrant," Walczak said.

Sophomore Tom Halpern described students as "pretty disgusted," and noted that his class recently read "1984," the George Orwell classic that coined the term "Big Brother."

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"O-mazing Grace - I want people to sing it with me, too."

An oldie but goody. Sing it loudly!
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Saturday, January 02, 2010

Iraq War Vet Speaks the Truth

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy... The loss of Liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or imagined, from abroad..." - James Madison
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