Sunday, August 19, 2007

Words of Wisdom from Margaret Mead..

Can we still say the same?
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Does someone know what silence is
clipped from
Long Room
Trinity College Library
Dublin, Ireland
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The King of..."persons you must avoid at all costs"

Please, please: Let us go back to pre-2000 elections.
When the C-SPAN producer toiling in obscurity last month reached for the tape, he had no clue how juicy a nugget he had unearthed. The tape was labeled simply, "Life and Career of Dick Cheney"; dated April 15, 1994.
The Untold Story of the Cheney 'Quagmire' Video
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

W Benjamin

Someone to remember
clipped from

The concept of progress should be grounded in the idea of catastrophe. That things 'just keep on going' is the catastrophe.

— Walter Benjamin

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Fat is a discrimination issue

fat=bad behaviors?
Today's assumption: if you are fat, you are doing something bad.
A study: Fatness is contagious!!!
I was thinking about the things that a fat person cannot do without others looking down on them or making mean comments. Here is my list; feel free to add to it!
- eat any food, even "healthy" food
- engage in athletic activity ("ewww look at all that fat jiggling")
- exercise in a gym or other public place ("who do you think you're kidding?")
- wear revealing clothing ("ewww gross")
- wear overly casual clothing (we get called slobs, while skinny people get a pass on wearing sweatpants in public)
- be sick ("maybe if you'd lose weight, you would be healthy")
- go to a doctor or emergency room ("It looks like you have a broken nose. You should lose weight.")
- date someone who is not fat ("what is wrong with him, doesn't he notice?" "he can do better than that"), especially someone who is regarded as good-looking (even a good-looking fat man is regarded as dating beneath his station if he dates a fat girl)
- have or adopt children, OR decide to not have children
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Saturday, August 04, 2007

EU and US miles of sensibility apart?

EU is so keen in being like the US that is loosing her soul too. This is the drama. Also, I think there are many americans mourning our loss

Arno Widmann comments on The New York Times' obituary of Michelangelo Antonioni

The New York Times entitled its obituary of Italian film director Michelangelo Antonioni - whose literary works are unfortunately little-known - with the words: "A Chronicler of Alienated Europeans in a Flimsy New World." The title underscores the hopelessness of Old Europe's position. Even before the article began, it made clear how small and thoroughly passé the Old Europe - and one of its most astute representatives - look in the new world of the present.
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Friday, August 03, 2007


do we dare to know a person?
clipped from
The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Antonioni_ Blow-Up

Lessons on the role of photography - Perfect

Verushka & David Hemmings in Blow-Up, 1966

Michelangelo Antonioni

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Yes, More books

It is always useful to share information with others and have help in one's search
BookYards library for today is Free Novels Online.

This is a small library, but it's content is unique and modern in taste.

It relies on submissions from others, makes links to their sites, and has gone to the trouble of categorizing their novels.

When you browse and go through the site, you wish that its content was 100x more.

For access to more free online libraries, go to BookYards Libraries/By Category Page.
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