Monday, July 31, 2006
The world is run by nonsense
When "clarity" is such confused nonsense, we have to beleive we are doomed.
And look at Blair's face!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
What happened in Kfar Kana?
in reading about what is being said in Israel read
The Jewish Worker
Friday, July 28, 2006
Condi is a supernova of Bush's Administration
Condi Decorates the Living Room While the Bedroom is in Flames
From Huffingtonpost
Yesterday in
and the governments of several Middle Eastern nations, Secretary of State Condaleezza Rice blocked all attempts to stop the current violence in
plan that will actually create conditions in which we can have a cease-fire that will be sustainable," she said.
Rice's disingenuous stance of refusing to negotiate a ceasefire because we cannot "return to the status quo ante" and "we need a lasting peace" is nothing but a stalling tactic to give the Israeli Defense Forces more time to "degrade"
All of the talk about creating a "robust international force" in southern Lebanon to enforce security, the Lebanese government asserting its sovereignty over Hezbollah controlled areas, and the disarming of Lebanon's anti-Israel militias, is hopelessly premature, even
presumptuous, while entire populations in Lebanon and Israel are cowering inside bunkers. There is no way that Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora can assert control over his nation while the IDF rips it apart. The world seems to understand two things the Bush Administration does not: 1). No diplomatic progress can be made so long as the war rages on; and 2). This thing needs to be wrapped up now before it engulfs larger nations in a regional war. The longer the
Hezbollah shows no signs of giving in to the maximalist US-Israeli demands. Hezbollah and
Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, whose stature as a folk hero in the Arab world has been cemented by the current war, are not being asked to negotiate, but to surrender. Bush and Rice won't even talk to
On July 18th, when I last wrote about the crisis in
The American occupation of
before it spreads.
Right-wing ideologues make poor diplomats. They are blind to the social, cultural, political, and religious nuances of the
Jimmy Carter's former National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said on July 20th that the
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
why is Israel attacking Lebanon?

Read the article
Why Is Israel Destroying Lebanon?
By Patrick Seale
07/25/06 "Al-Hayat" 07/21/07
courtesy of clearing house
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
God have Mercy!
It is
Rome - The success of a high-level Rome meeting on Lebanon this week
will depend largely on the outcome of the Middle East
diplomatic mission by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, Italy's foreign
minister said in an interview published on Sunday.
Rice, Italy's foreign minister Massimo D'Alema, UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan and representatives from key players
in the Middle East will meet
in Rome on Wednesday after Rice completes her talks in Jerusalem
and the West Bank.
One priority will be dealing with the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon,
which has been under attack for
12 days by Israeli forces targeting Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas.
Participants will also grapple with "how to reach an effective cease-fire
or suspension of the hostilities,
something that requires a certain pressure on Syria and Iran so that
they act on ... Hezbollah" to obtain
the release of two captured Israeli soldiers, D'Alema said in an interview
with leftist Rome daily l'Unita. (more...)
Meanwhile, Bush wants Syria to take care of things.
I bet he was to busy at the Ranch
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Let us pray - Condi is on the way

Rice to travel to Middle East Condi is going to solve the Middle East crisis. Can you imagine the nerve of this woman. The places she went? The things she achieved?
B. says Go and off she goes, even if she does not know what for. And some insist in saying she is smart! Read the article in
(july 22, 06)
Meanwhile, in Yesterday WaPo, July 21st, on the WaPo, there was this article
By Edward Cody and John Ward Anderson
BEIRUT, July 21 -- The Israeli military called up reserve troops Friday and broadcast urgent radio
warnings for civilians of battered southern Lebanon to leave "immediately" for relative safety north
of the Litani River, adding to the growing indications that Israel is planning a large-scale ground
operation to root out Hezbollah guerrillas and their missile caches.
NPR reported that on the other side
Scores of Lebanese Civilians Buried in Tyre
they show a grieving family crying for their dead
Who wants war?

Friday, July 21, 2006
Condi Rice - just irresponsible?
Does someone explain to me what is she doing?
Does she see? Is the Admninistration affected by neo-con blindness?
You made a mess of things. You are accountable!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Conditions in Gaza
There is no us or them
would you like to live like this?
G8 summit - does it matter?
sorry to just post comic videos for this
tragic time.
With these heat I can hardly write
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
George Bush stars in "No Child Left Behind"
President George W. Bush provides an example for the No Child Left Behind act, a moderately humorous look. Okay? it is an outright slam of the entire system, but I digress. Watch this video on the sad state of public education and feel your I.Q drop ten points. |
Deconstructing George Bush
Let's take a look at some of the, uh, less than honest things George W. Bush said during his press conference about spying on Americans. |
George Bush singing "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
Thanks to and Rx @ Greets to arstechnica! |
Gourmand et sensuel, un film baign? par la lumi?re verte du Vietnam. Pour Tran Anh Hung, l'odeur de la papaye est celle du pays de son enfance, et du monde secret des femmes. Cam?ra d'Or, Cannes 1993 Meilleure premi?re oeuvre, C?sar 1994 Louez ce film sur |
Gourmand et sensuel, un film baign? par la lumi?re verte du Vietnam. Pour Tran Anh Hung, l'odeur de la papaye est celle du pays de son enfance, et du monde secret des femmes. Cam?ra d'Or, Cannes 1993 Meilleure premi?re oeuvre, C?sar 1994 Louez ce film sur |