Tuesday, October 24, 2006

once more they lied and cheat

Some people know this well by experience.
Others still think Gulliani was a hero and the handdling of 9/11 victims adequate

Medical Views of 9/11’s Dust Show Big Gaps - New York Times

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tolerable cruelty

TDS-Habeus-Corpus.mov (video/quicktime Object)
Jon Stwerart strikes again
TDS-Habeus-Corpus.mov (video/quicktime Object)

Don't get distracted: Rice “more sordid” than Foley

Several bloggers have already pointed out that the "Foley"sex scandal, sordid as it is, should not distract us and the House from other more serious scandals, causing thousand of deaths, extreme precariness and other disasters of this magnitude.
Here is an example:

Dangerous Intersection » Blog Archive » Rice “more sordid” than Foley

Counterbias: Welcome to Neo-Fascism 101

A new dictionary is badly needed

Counterbias: Welcome to Neo-Fascism 101

Friday, September 22, 2006

GAY MARRIAGE: Sen. Boxer says it hasn't hurt HER Marriage

Who feels more threaten?
Feminism Survey: Men on the Street

And YOU what to you think

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

´Diplomacy according to Bush

While conversations are going on at UN and people lie about diplomacy

Retired U.S. Col. Says U.S. Are Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran
Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, “We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now. The evidence is overwhelming.”


No doubt that's what the neocons-european-style want too: Be tough, they say!

In Portugal, what is our press saying?
What our great ideologues saying? Mr. Marcelo, Mr. Pacheco Pereira, etc...a word please.
They all need a course on masculinity. They suffer from the 'macho boy' syndrome, I figure.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The world according to Bush

Bush is not stupid---he is a total paranoid wacko. He thinks he made the world to fit whatever his ideas are.

Let us grant he must have read a lot during vacations. But he is now all confused and had come up with a new strategy: Iwo Jima

Bush! Just go to your world (HELL) and leave ours alone, please!

This is part of what he read on Nine-eleven 06 sitted on his throne:

President's Address to the Nation
The Oval Office

With our help, the people of the Middle East are now stepping forward to claim their freedom. From Kabul to Baghdad to Beirut, there are brave men and women risking their lives each day for the same freedoms that we enjoy. And they have one question for us: Do we have the confidence to do in the Middle East what our fathers and grandfathers accomplished in Europe and Asia? By standing with democratic leaders and reformers, by giving voice to the hopes of decent men and women, we're offering a path away from radicalism. And we are enlisting the most powerful force for peace and moderation in the Middle East: the desire of millions to be free. Across the broader Middle East, the extremists are fighting to prevent such a future.
Yet America has confronted evil before, and we have defeated it -- sometimes at the cost of thousands of good men in a single battle.
When Franklin Roosevelt vowed to defeat two enemies across two oceans, he could not have foreseen D-Day and Iwo Jima -- but he would not have been surprised at the outcome. When Harry Truman promised American support for free peoples resisting Soviet aggression, he could not have foreseen the rise of the Berlin Wall -- but he would not have been surprised to see it brought down. Throughout our history, America has seen liberty challenged, and every time, we have seen liberty triumph with sacrifice and determination.
On this solemn anniversary, we rededicate ourselves to this cause.
Our nation has endured trials, and we face a difficult road ahead. Winning this war will require the determined efforts of a unified country, and we must put aside our differences and work together to meet the test that history has given us. We will defeat our enemies. We will protect our people. And we will lead the 21st century into a shining age of human liberty
Dangerous enemies have declared their intention to destroy our way of life.
They're not the first to try, and their fate will be the same as those who tried before. Nine-Eleven showed us why. The attacks were meant to bring us to our knees, and they did, but not in the way the terrorists intended. Americans united in prayer,came to the aid of neighbors in need, and resolved that our enemies would not have the last word. The spirit of our people is the source of America's strength. And we go forward with trust in that spirit, confidence in our purpose, and faith in a loving God who made us to be free.
Thank you, and may God bless you.

You can read it all
By the way, if you know this G-d, will you tell him to stop this joke? It is not funny.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

The 9-11 Hijackers

Nine eleven - who can forget?

Let us mourn the dead and fight these Hijackers without fail. Bring them to justice, US

Reclusive Leftist » Blog Archive » The 9-11 Hijackers

nine eleven


all murderers are accountable

Friday, September 08, 2006

Evil Reverend Fred Phelps Diatribe Against Stewart/Colbert

enough to make of you an atheist.
Just think what it would mean to be near such man for ever and ever
Please preserve these devils!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Did your REALLY hear him?

Jon Stewart dissects Bush's latest 'desperate soundbites'

your B horror movie of the summer.
Reality is worse.
Where are our media little men?
Portugal has a responsibility in this mess. Our polticians should be made accountable.
And when are we going to discuss our involvement in Lebanon? PLEASE, somebody
say something.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Unruly passenger forces emergency landing in Boston | Top News | Reuters.com

    Unruly passenger forces emergency landing in Boston

    Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:36pm ET136
    • for someone who has panick attacks this is very troubling - post by tajlevy

    Is Bush an idiot?

    that's what other politicians are learning!! They want to be the good...est

    Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    CNN & New Yorker - Bush Planned Lebanon War Months Before

    Here he is spelling it out.

    Monday, August 14, 2006

    To Mr Bush in his ranch

    To mr Bush

    who taught him this expression?
    who are the fascists of this world?

    Superman is coming again

    Laurie Anderson - O Superman

    pretty amazing still. for those who did not get a chance to
    see her then

    Friday, August 11, 2006

    Frightening events and considerations

    Today, news are full of stories about the terrorist plot. The danger, uncunningness, sophistication of terrorists. No more flying, parfum or even water ( see for ex in NYTimes: "liquid thread is hard to detect" or WaP "Plot to Bomb U.S.-Bound Jets Is Foiled"). Even though not much is known about it, governments and mainstream media were quick to point the finger: Iran, Syria, muslims....All muslims are terrorists, don't you know? (see Politicizing the terrorist plot in Salon.com; and for the name calling mediamatters.org which documented how Boortz, a journalist from a TV show, says exactly all muslism are terrorists)

    Meanwhile, the war goes on. Israel asks the US for more powerful bombs. Children die. Children die - but you know what? It is ok to kill children. Just read

    On the Virtues of Killing Children

    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    Connecting the dots: Apocalypse near

    It seems not all intelectuals are asllep or vacationing: Here is anopen letter worth discussing:

    Apocalypse near

    Monday, August 07, 2006

    The Blog | Jayne Lyn Stahl: Dereliction of Duty | The Huffington Post

    The Blog | Jayne Lyn Stahl: Dereliction of Duty | The Huffington Post

    The Blog | Jayne Lyn Stahl: Dereliction of Duty | The Huffington Post

    The Blog | Jayne Lyn Stahl: Dereliction of Duty | The Huffington Post

    Sad news from Ysrael side too

    In wars, how many personal tragedies remain unknown?

    From Israel

    Sergeant Andrei Brudner's last message - News from Israel, Ynetnews (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3286190,00.html)

    Sergeant Andrei Brudner's last message

    In last message published on his blog before he died in Lebanon, Sergeant Andrei Brudner wrote: 'Many return with blood on their hands (and now they are celebrity because Ynet wrote about them). Wish me luck.' Yoav Freidman

    Sergeant Andrei Brudner was killed in Lebanon on Thursday. In his last message on a blog he runs on the Tapuz We site he wrote: "Today I will be there, maybe you will read about me in the news. It will last some days, it may drag on more, but we have ammunitions that can last long. Many return with blood on their hands. (And now they are celebrities because Ynet wrote about them). Wish me luck."
    The message was posted two weeks before he died.
    At the moment, simple words like "wish me luck" and "shalom" have tragic and painful meanings.
    Brudner wrote the message when he was recruited to fight in Gaza. He was recently transferred to the north where his tank was hit by an anti-tank rocket.
    Sergeant Itamar Tsur, 19, of Beer Tuvia, and Sergeant Alon Fintuch, 19, of Kiryat Yam died in the attack.

    Brunder's blog focused on matters related to the army. He recalled his training, his friends, and shared with readers his experiences as an 18-year-old soldier.
    When fighting broke out in Gaza with the kidnapping of Corporal Gilad Shalit, Brunder wrote: "We just started and someone died. The first they all remember. When more die, they won't be names any more, they will be numbers."

    "The noise of fire is replaced by explosions, armored hummers, tractors and D9 bulldozers…Everyone is a suspect, above all a suspect. Then he is an enemy resident. Rubble replaces houses, and soot replaced sunsets. By the way...sunsets are beautiful."

    Before being deployed in Gaza, he wrote: "People around are worried (and rightly so!!!), but I am trying not to worry myself. I have to remember who I am facing so as not to live an illusion that everything will be good."
    On June 30 he wrote that when he finishes his military service on November 29, 2008, he plans on traveling to Jamaica.

    'Life is fun'
    His family said he loved to compose Hip Hop music. He started writing a song about the army which he didn't finish. He also wrote a song
    called 'Good Living,' which he composed with a friend.

    In his blog, Brunder comes across as a lively and life-loving teenager. "What's this shit?" he asked bloggers who wrote depressing comments. "Live is fun, if it is not bad, what shall we complain about? How would we overcome problems? There people who don't know how to enjoy small and simple things in life, like breathing."

    Eli Sinior contributed to this report

    (08.04.06, 12:32)

    Monday, July 31, 2006

    The world is run by nonsense

    President Bush: Gibberish!

    When "clarity" is such confused nonsense, we have to beleive we are doomed.
    And look at Blair's face!

    Condi - so much work for nothing or worse


    and she says this helps her brains!!!

    Sunday, July 30, 2006

    What happened in Kfar Kana?

    Trying to make sense of what is happening and for anyone interested
    in reading about what is being said in Israel read


    The Jewish Worker

    Friday, July 28, 2006

    Condi is a supernova of Bush's Administration

    Condi Decorates the Living Room While the Bedroom is in Flames

    From Huffingtonpost


    Yesterday in Rome, meeting with diplomats from the United Nations, the European Union,

    and the governments of several Middle Eastern nations, Secretary of State Condaleezza Rice blocked all attempts to stop the current violence in Lebanon and Israel. "We have to have a

    plan that will actually create conditions in which we can have a cease-fire that will be sustainable," she said.

    Rice's disingenuous stance of refusing to negotiate a ceasefire because we cannot "return to the status quo ante" and "we need a lasting peace" is nothing but a stalling tactic to give the Israeli Defense Forces more time to "degrade" Lebanon. The Decider, during a joint appearance with the United States' puppet du jour in Iraq, Nouri Al Maliki, also said he's against a cease-fire claiming he wants a more permanent arrangement.

    All of the talk about creating a "robust international force" in southern Lebanon to enforce security, the Lebanese government asserting its sovereignty over Hezbollah controlled areas, and the disarming of Lebanon's anti-Israel militias, is hopelessly premature, even

    presumptuous, while entire populations in Lebanon and Israel are cowering inside bunkers. There is no way that Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora can assert control over his nation while the IDF rips it apart. The world seems to understand two things the Bush Administration does not: 1). No diplomatic progress can be made so long as the war rages on; and 2). This thing needs to be wrapped up now before it engulfs larger nations in a regional war. The longer the US allows this war to continue to escalate, the greater likelihood of it sparking an even bigger war.

    Hezbollah shows no signs of giving in to the maximalist US-Israeli demands. Hezbollah and

    Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, whose stature as a folk hero in the Arab world has been cemented by the current war, are not being asked to negotiate, but to surrender. Bush and Rice won't even talk to Syria and Iran. Conventional wisdom states that the US will give Israel another week or two to lay waste to the infrastructure, institutions, and the militia that serve the poorest people in Lebanon, most of whom happen to be Shia, and then some form of a cease-fire will be imposed. But while the skies over Lebanon are abuzz with Israeli airplanes and helicopters, and the rockets continue to fall on Haifa and other Israeli towns and cities, the current conflict has the potential to explode into something much bigger.

    On July 18th, when I last wrote about the crisis in Lebanon, there had been 230 Lebanese and 24 Israelis killed, and $1 billion worth of destruction in Lebanon; nine days later, there is now over 433 killed in Lebanon, fifty-one dead in Israel, and $2 billion in damage to Lebanon. The key question for American citizens is this: How many corpses on both sides are we willing to accept for the Bush Administration to obtain its objectives in the Middle East? Blocking an immediate cease-fire and refusing to engage the parties of the current conflict in peace talks is just another neo-con wet dream like pursuing "democracy" in Iraq. As the violence intensifies, Condi should realize, as the rest of the civilized world seems to understand, that this war is different than previous Arab-Israeli conflicts, and it is fraught with danger given the current bloodshed in Iraq and in the Palestinian territories, and the emboldening of Iran in the region. The longer this war goes on with escalations on both sides, the more unstable and out of control the situation becomes.

    The American occupation of Iraq has inflamed the Iraqis and destabilized Baghdad, one of the most important cities in the Arab world. The IDF's demolishing of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip, which has claimed the lives of over 120 Palestinians in recent weeks, has inflamed the Sunni Arabs in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere. The IDF attacks in Lebanon on the infrastructure and institutions that are tied to Hezbollah have inflamed the Shia of Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran. For the first time, a non-state agent is lobbing hundreds of rockets into Israel's northern cities. As this barrage continues, the IDF is guaranteed to intensify the violence, and will be tempted to dip into its vast arsenal of anti-personnel munitions such "fuel-air weapons," cluster bombs, napalm, and white phosphorous. The world demands a cease-fire now, and our nation's chief diplomat, following the instructions of our illustrious Commander-in-Chief, is blocking the international community's efforts to contain this war

    before it spreads.

    When Israel and the United States were militarily chewing up the PLO and Saddam Hussein they were at least combating mostly secularists; now they threaten to spark exactly what Samuel Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations warned against: a "fault line war." The current conflict has taken on the coloration of a religious war. To millions of people the conflict looks like Christians and Jews using their superior technology to destroy and oppress Muslims, both Shiite and Sunni.

    Right-wing ideologues make poor diplomats. They are blind to the social, cultural, political, and religious nuances of the Middle East, and they are far too dedicated to the use of force. (William Kristol and other nut-bags are openly advocating US military action against Iran.) When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. Bush and Condi's "transformational diplomacy," and the glorification of war to solve complex human problems, can only lead to more bloodshed, as it has in Iraq.

    Jimmy Carter's former National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said on July 20th that the United States must engage Syria and Iran. He sees Iran as a "serious threat" but not an "imminent" threat, meaning the United States has time to work out a deal with Iran at a later date. Brzezinski believes "Iran is a serious country, it's not Iraq. It's going to be a player," and therefore must be handled carefully and prudently. If the Bush Administration continues to isolate Iran, he said: "I fear that the region will explode, and for that matter, Israel will be in the long run in great jeopardy." Brzezinski offered the wise suggestion for a regional conference that would include Muslim states that are more distant from the current conflict such as Algeria, Morocco, and Pakistan, to bring them into the process of stabilizing the region. But George W. Bush appears to have something different in mind for the Middle East.

    Tuesday, July 25, 2006

    why is Israel attacking Lebanon?

    why is Israel doing this?

    Read the article

    Why Is Israel Destroying Lebanon?

    By Patrick Seale

    07/25/06 "
    " 07/21/07
    courtesy of clearing house


    Monday, July 24, 2006

    where are they stopping?

    Lebanese Forced to Bury Casualties in Mass Graves

    where are they stopping?

    Sunday, July 23, 2006

    to relax: Merkel Massage Madness! | The Huffington Post

    The Blog | Rachel Sklar: Merkel Massage Madness! | The Huffington Post

    God have Mercy!

    Today, AP tells us that
    It is

    It mostly is up to Rice
    So, we are cooked. Just read

    Rome - The success of a high-level Rome meeting on Lebanon this week
    will depend largely on the outcome of the Middle East
    diplomatic mission by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, Italy's foreign
    minister said in an interview published on Sunday.

    Rice, Italy's foreign minister Massimo D'Alema, UN Secretary-General
    Kofi Annan and representatives from key players
    in the Middle East will meet
    in Rome on Wednesday after Rice completes her talks in Jerusalem
    and the West Bank.

    One priority will be dealing with the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon,
    which has been under attack for
    12 days by Israeli forces targeting Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas.

    Participants will also grapple with "how to reach an effective cease-fire
    or suspension of the hostilities,
    something that requires a certain pressure on Syria and Iran so that
    they act on ... Hezbollah" to obtain
    the release of two captured Israeli soldiers, D'Alema said in an interview
    with leftist Rome daily l'Unita. (more...)

    Meanwhile, Bush wants Syria to take care of things.
    I bet he was to busy at the Ranch

    Saturday, July 22, 2006

    Let us pray - Condi is on the way

    A grieving family sits next to the coffins of several dead children. Ivan Watson, NPR

    Rice to travel to Middle East
    Condi is going to solve the Middle East crisis. Can you imagine the nerve of this woman. The places she went? The things she achieved?
    B. says Go and off she goes, even if she does not know what for. And some insist in saying she is smart!
    Read the article in


    (july 22, 06)

    Meanwhile, in
    Yesterday WaPo, July 21st, on the WaPo, there was this article

    Israel Massing Military on Lebanon Border

    By Edward Cody and John Ward Anderson

    BEIRUT, July 21 -- The Israeli military called up reserve troops Friday and broadcast urgent radio
    warnings for civilians of battered southern Lebanon to leave "immediately" for relative safety north
    of the Litani River, adding to the growing indications that Israel is planning a large-scale ground
    operation to root out Hezbollah guerrillas and their missile caches.
    (read more in http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/21/AR2006072100968_pf.html

    NPR reported that on the other side

    Scores of Lebanese Civilians Buried in Tyre

    they show a grieving family crying for their dead

    Who wants war?

    Friday, July 21, 2006

    Condi Rice - just irresponsible?

    CNN.com - Rice:�U.S. wants lasting peace, not quick fix - Jul 21, 2006

    Does someone explain to me what is she doing?
    Does she see? Is the Admninistration affected by neo-con blindness?
    You made a mess of things. You are accountable!

    Wednesday, July 19, 2006

    Photo for my profile

    this is a test with a a photo with Joka and I.
    Joka is my grandson. it is very real

    Let women speak

    Palestinian Woman's Speech

    An absolute must. Thanks Leosato

    They cry, they sing in Palestine


    many ways to say
    We deserve to live

    Let peace come

    peace by peace


    Conditions in Gaza

    (YouTube - Occupation 101 Conditions in Gaza)

    Read more at www.youtube.com/w/?v=pp...

    There is no us or them

    would you like to live like this?

    How they speak

    (TheBlueState.com) Republicans compare Iraq to sports

    Some metaphors are a KILLER

    Renegates are right most of the time

    rock song-bush renagades

    A retrospective from the mean guys

    Some americans do care, but,,,

    Daily Show: Israel/Lebanon Fallout

    Is there a war going on?

    G8 summit - does it matter?

    Daily Show: G8 Summit

    sorry to just post comic videos for this
    tragic time.

    With these heat I can hardly write

    Friday, July 14, 2006

    George Bush stars in "No Child Left Behind"

    President George W. Bush provides an example for the
    No Child Left Behind act, a moderately humorous look. Okay? it is an outright slam of the entire system, but I digress. Watch this video on the sad state of public education and feel your I.Q drop ten points.

    Deconstructing George Bush

    Let's take a look at some of the, uh, less than honest things George W. Bush said during his press conference about spying on Americans.

    George Bush singing "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

    Thanks to http://onegoodmove.org and Rx @ http://thepartyparty.com/

    Greets to arstechnica!

    Blair + Bush At The Gay Bar

    A mixed music video for "At The Gay Bar" by Electric Six.

    World going mad


    world going mad and it is happenning!

    Bush has ontologogical doubts

    The Daily Show - Northa Korea

    Bush gets honors in consistency
    Tookie Williams Execution - Rough Cut

    compassionate america


    Gourmand et sensuel, un film baign? par la lumi?re verte du Vietnam. Pour Tran Anh Hung, l'odeur de la papaye est celle du pays de son enfance, et du monde secret des femmes.

    Cam?ra d'Or, Cannes 1993
    Meilleure premi?re oeuvre, C?sar 1994

    Louez ce film sur www.artevod.com


    Gourmand et sensuel, un film baign? par la lumi?re verte du Vietnam. Pour Tran Anh Hung, l'odeur de la papaye est celle du pays de son enfance, et du monde secret des femmes.

    Cam?ra d'Or, Cannes 1993
    Meilleure premi?re oeuvre, C?sar 1994

    Louez ce film sur www.artevod.com

    Thursday, July 13, 2006

    Sunday, January 08, 2006

    Há domingos difíceis

    Os domingos não são fáceis

    Depois de uma noite não muito fácil, levanto-me e pego no jornal.

    Na primeira página anuncia-se uma Pública com ideias quentes mas o Destaque desta edição provoca-me arrepios: Saúde Mental – A reforma em marcha

    Título de caixa: Governo pode fechar dois hospitais psiquiátricos.

    Lisboeta, vem-me à cabeça o Júlio de Matos (que conheço) e o Miguel Bombarda. Será?

    Em letras muito pequenas, como legenda a uma fotografia que me faz lembrar os filmes do Pedro Costa, diz-que o Público “ visitou hospitais psiquiátricos, falou com responsáveis políticos e médicos e verificou que os portugueses estão entre os europeus mais vulneráveis às doenças mentais.”

    O Público verificou que somos os mais vulneráveis? Verificou, como? Vendo? Falando? Lendo estatísticas?

    Que pena que o Público se esqueça dos internados nesses hospitais. Terá falado com pessoas como aquela mulher que aparece na fotografia? Duvido. Como não há nomes a acompanhar o que vem na primeira página, o Público, que fez estas coisas que anuncia, não tem talvez pessoas para falar com eles.

    Volto a página. Cá está:

    Pelo menos dois hospitais psiquiátricos podiam fechar já

    Quem o diz é a secretária de Estado Carmen Pignatelli.
    De novo, na minha cabeça, os internados do Júlio de Matos. Onde os vão meter?

    Os meus olhos são atraídos para uma notícia ao lado, mais pequena

    Internados num hotel em vez de num hospital?

    Lembranças de New York, rua 101 com a Amesterdam Av, onde havia um ‘hotel’ habitado por doentes mentais, levam-me a fazer a ligação. Mas não é aqui o caso. As dua notícias não têm a ver uma com a outro. Estão só lado a lado. No entnanto, doenças mentais parececem andar na ordem do dia pela Europa.

    A ida para o hotel é referida numa notícia, retirada do Guardian, onde se fala de um relatório do Sainsbury’s Center for Mental Health. A crer no que é dito no início, deve ser um relatório muito interessante:

    “As pessoas que sofrem de problemas de saúde mental poderiam ter direito a uma
    curta estada num hotel em vez de serem internadas num hospital”

    Coisa extraordinária. Fico confusa. Deve ser por ser domingo. Tenho que ver se encontro o relatório na Net.

    Volto à notícia principal. Fico a saber que há seis hospitais psiquiátricos em Portugal. Para um país tão vulnerável, não me parece muito. Mas é. Estes hospitais não têm “outras valências”. Os doentes estão melhor em Serviços psiquiátricos dos hospitais gerais, diz-se. Não me parece óbvio. A minha experiência do Hospital Júlio de Matos e aquilo que o Prado Coelho anda a contar sobre a sua no Hospital Santa Maria leva-me a imaginar cenas de pesadelo ou de terror, pelos corredores de Santa Maria.
    Mas os peritos dizem que é melhor, a senhora Secretária de Estado diz que é melhor, o Lá Fora diz que é melhor e, portanto, é melhor. Quem sou eu?
    A Senhora Secretária de Estado fala em depressões, a tal doença que a Evidência diz que vai ser a epidemia dos século XXI. (E eu a pensar que seria a pandemia da gripe aviária...). Afirma que esta doença não é tratada em hospitais psiquiátricos. Mas porque fala ela em depressões quando as estatísticas apresentadas para causas de internamento psiquiátrico não a referem? Retirem-se as consultas para os depressivos. De qualquer maneira, porque vão estes a consultas? Podem fazer um check-in num hotel.
    Para esses outros é fundamental a “criação da rede de cuidados continuados” que integra um conjunto de unidades de saúde e instituições do sector privado, social religioso e publico que articularão respostas a dar a idosos e pessoas dependentes, como é o caso de alguns doentes mentais”. Ou então ficam em casa onde lhes será prestada assistência. Os esquizofrénicos? Os psicóticos? Suicidas, retardados/atrasados, violentos, prostados, sedados?

    A poupança não é a preocupação da Reforma, tem o cuidado de dizer a Senhora Secretária de Estado. É preciso uma “melhor distribuição de recursos, que são escassos.” RECURSOS. Coisas, pessoas de recurso?

    E, finalmente,

    O que é que os nossos doentes psiquiátricos têm de especial para que não façamos
    reformas que se fizeram noutros países há 20 anos?

    Nada, minha Senhora. Os nossos doentes psiquiátricos não têm nada de especial. Aqui, como noutras partes, não são tidos nem achados na sua catalogação, no seu tratamento, nos ditos recursos ... enfim, para aquilo que podem (ou gostariam de) ter/ser.

    Os senhores políticos, a Senhora Secretária de Estado já ouviram algum? Isto, mesmo se aceitarmos que os médicos falam com eles e os ouvem.

    Já nem passo para outra página do jornal. Já me chega por agora.
    É domingo e há domingos que não são mesmo nada fáceis.

    Este é o meu primeiro post deste ano de 2006. Suponho que devia ter dito: Bom ano.

    Mas para estes domingos não há anos.